Saturday, September 19, 2009


So I was looking at a prayer request webpage for preemies and I just had to get on here after. I guess with our friends Sean and Natalie that just recently having their twins at only 25 wks, I have had it on my heart alot lately because I can remember all too clearly what they are going through. I am absolutely amazed at how medicine is constantly changing, and how amazing our God is that babies born at just a mere pound or two can survive and have very few problems. I think back to all the fear and how as a parent of a preemie, the only thing you live and breathe is that baby, and each day to see the progress. How just increasing and tolerating 1 more milliliter of milk is abolutely exciting because that is just one of the many things you have to do before they can come home. How when you are finally able to hold your little one, what they call Kangaroo care, the feeling is amazing. How empty you feel when you leave the hospital that first time without them. All still know that it could be weeks or even months before they will be able to come home with you. I pray for those who have preemies, and I pray for those sweet babies, that God will hold them in His hand until they make it safely home.
Please keep Sean and Natalie and the twins, Marlee and Merrick in your prayers, along with all the other preemie families out there.
And check out their website!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer has begun....

Well as you can see it has been forever since I updated last... but it seems the last few months have gotten away from me....

In february we went home for to weeks to Colorado. We spent the first week in Breckenridge at my families condo which was fabulous. Jake and I skiied a few days, and we were able to enjoy some relaxation time playing games, at the hot tubs and just shopping the stores. John went with us and seemed to really enjoy it. Halia loved the snow since it was her first time to play in it she had a blast, but only sat by as grandpa and I went sledding. The second week we were there we spent down in Colorado Springs with my family and were able to spend some time with some great friends!! For those we didn't get to see, we miss you and hope next time we can see you all!! As for John he is doing ok. He seems to have his ups and downs still. He is living with his mom right now.

The months since then have been a blur:) As for Jake he was working on flight(normal base patrol) during the eveing so our schedules seemed to conflict quite a bit. He left today for a six month deployment, but he is going down to TX for a few weeks first for training then has to be in country by the beginning of July. I will keep you updated on him and how things are going and as soon as I get a address and email address I will let you all know. He will have his phone for at least the next two weeks if you were not able to talk to him or want to get ahold of him.

As for me, I got accepted into nursing school. I have a six week summer program that I have been doing and thankfully next week is the last week. It was been definately giving me a run for my money... as long as I pass... I get to continue into nursing school in August. I am still working on the surgery floor as often as possible.

Halia, Wow!! All I can say is I have a little girl on my hands, she is no longer a baby or for that matter really even a toddler anymore. Some days I think she has a better grasp on things then we do. She is unbelievably smart and is extremely busy. She is finally past her terrible twos, but we know we may not be in the clear for threes yet :)

My friend Aunee from CO came down to "live" with me for as long as time allows.... She came down in midmay and will hopefully stay at least through Jake's deployment, but may decide she wants to stay.... I am very excited to have her here and think it will definately help make things alittle easier with Jake being gone.

I just wanted to try to overview update since I have been so horrible about it lately. I will post again soon and will add pics as well!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Woo Pig Sooie!

January this far...

January has been good so far, just busy as usual. Jake and I both started a new schedule so we have all been adjusting and trying to see each other as much as possible. I started school again, so I will be working mon,wed, fri and school the other two days. Jake went to evenings so he is working until about ten everyday. Not much else going on. We try to have our share of fun still. We had friends over for new years! We went out with a group of friends for our friend Jimmy's going away, he is getting deployed and leaves monday so we went to dinner and the comedy club. I hope everyone is having a great New Years so far!!

The girls Lauren, Leslie, Kara, Lauren and Caitlin

Me and Lauren with Greg in the background

Jake and Caitlin

Sunday, December 28, 2008